Besides the verification of the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) of pile foundations, Eurocode 7 imposes a Serviceability Limit State (SLS) verification. A first method is presented in this paper using transfer functions to describe the nonlinear shaft and base pile reactions. Since it is commonly agreed that the prediction of pile performance is only as good as the input parameters, the outlined settlement parameters are based on back-calculation analysis of a large database involving more than 100 fully instrumented pile load tests .Integrated in a straightforward one dimensional (1D) Finite Element Method (FEM), the method shows a very good agreement with static load tests (SLTs) and has been elaborated in line with the current pile design practice in Belgium according to Eurocode 7. Also, a simplified second method, which allows a pile settlement prediction without numerical calculations, has been developed. It exists out of typical curves for pile settlement based, as well, on the aforementioned experimental database. Subject to some limitations, these typical curves give similar results as the numerical method (using transfer functions) for common pile types and pile lengths. Both methodologies provide useful instruments for SLS pile design in Belgium.